
Please contact EcoPay to inquire.

If you would like to join our mission or have any questions please feel free to reach out to us.
This is our planet (Mother Gaia) she has been gracious to humanity and its good time we do our part to repay her through love and a higher conciseness. We are talking about "Global Warming" or "Climate Change" we are talking about the natural constructs to which she provides her love and abundance to all of humanity. We need to do our part in keeping her clean, free from man made destructions ie: deforestation, polluting the land and waters. Garbage is a byproduct of humans living and we need to very mindful about polluting and dumping garbage wherever and whenever it seems convenient. Put garbage in places it belongs and nowhere else! Love the planet in the way she loves and provides life's essentials for us all.

If you have a planetary cause to clean up, brighten up, spruce up, or beautify our planet /Mother Gaia we would love to assist in any way possible. The digital asset will be a premiere way of being compensated/rewarded for doing your simple part to help maintain a well balanced planet/environment for all to benefit by.

We only have one plant/Mother Gaia and she is worth every effort to respect and preserve for all present and future generations.

*Put trash in its proper place
*Pick up trash not in its proper place
*Protect and respect all wildlife
*Use as little plastics and styrofoam as humanly possible
*Keep our waters clean and free from pollutants and trash
If we all take these simple steps in being conscious behavior we can make a huge positive environmental impact. Put back what you take from Mother Gaia and she will reward all with abundance and beauty that only she can give.
Won't you join us?